Название: Tis Be The Season
Жанр: Романс, драма
Саммари: There are times when intangible tokens of care matters more than what could be tangibly obtained. Begins with an intention, and ends with a promise.
Название: The forgotten encounter
Жанр: романс, дружба
Саммари: Two young depressed children who just experienced losses met each other on one cold snowy day in an encounter not remembered until much later. One-shot IciHime, written for FLOL Christmas exchange.
Название: The Seven Tanabatas
Жанр: романс, драма
Саммари: Семь самых важных для Ичиго и Орихиме 7х июля, охватывающие все периоды их жизней. От рождения вплоть до седой старости и морщин. Написано для второго ежегодного фестиваля Танабаты ичихиме.
Название: 70 Winters Later
Жанр: ангст, романс
Саммари: My entry that was submitted to the IchiHime Winter Wonderland Contest. A separation in a winter 70 year ago had Ichigo and Orihime forced to go their own way. 7 long decades, and they finally see each other again to an unfortunate incident. One-shot.